
「我看目前出現的Sternies 好像大多提到IB方面的工作。我知道IB是很熱門的行業,但是我有點不清楚去IB工作最後的職涯發展是什麼? 總不可能一直在IB裡面沒日沒夜的工作到退休吧? 走IB路線的人最後大多會怎麼走呢?

另外就是好像都沒有人提到corporate finance。我想念FINANCE想像中的路線就是唸完可能去做financial analyst,或是進入consulting industry 最後會想進入一般corporate,往高階經理人甚至以成為CFO為目標走。因為我沒接觸過FINANCE的公司,也不知道所有FINANCE的出路,如果我問的問題實在太沒有營養請見諒一下。

我很單純的對FINANCE有興趣,可能還沒有什麼時間好好研究STERN的課程,這些粗淺的問題就麻煩一下SUSHI姐給我提點一下,讓我增進了解吧 。」


IB裡面其實也有很多不同的function,例如 corporate finance, Sales and Trading, Research,其實出路個個不同。

我自己比較了解 sell-side research的出路,一般可以到共同基金作 buy-side research 或基金經理人,最近hedge fund(避險基金)很熱門,也有不少跳去那。有些人進公司做投資關係,甚至財務主管也有少數人去做創投或private equity。



Were you talking about the investment banking industry overall or the "investment banking" job?

The former, as cchsu40 said, covers a very, very broad range of jobs. Please do some research at vault.com or wetfeet.com. Here's the link for finance jobs research - http://www.vault.com/hubs/501/hubhome_501.jsp?ch_id=501

The latter is what dmitri and jliu did over the past summer. They will be the best people to answer.

The "corporate finance" you were talking about is actually called "general finance" by us B-school people because many IB's call their investment banking function corporate finance. Yes, it is one of the possiblities in finance. 

I would suggest you do more research from the two websites I mentioned above. Please ask more specific questions so that we can figure out who is the best person to answer them.


一般而言 廣義的IB包含自營部/交易部(Sales&Trading) 研究部(Research) 以及承銷部(Underwriting/Corporate Finance)。

讓我先假設你文中所提的"IB"指的是狹義的IB,也就是台灣券商所謂的承銷業(Underwriting/Corporate Finance)。就我個人來說,我認為這是學習財務會計相關專業職能相當好的一塊領域,同時能藉由與客戶的互動,深入參與企業筞略制定及經營管理。是故許多投資銀行家(I-Bankers)在離開此塊領域後,有機會轉任企業高階主管,如前台積電財務長、現任台灣大哥大總經理張孝威。

另外一條方向,是轉入私募基金(Private Equity)或創投(Venture Capital),利用過去的金融專業、市場人脈,以及對產業的了解,進行直接投資,投資報酬率往往相當豐厚。


一般來言,I-Bankers可利用在從業期間累積的專業、經驗與人脈,轉向其他領域發展,當然,向上垂直升遷也是一條自然的選擇。如雷曼兄弟(Lehman Brothers)的大中國區共同負責人翁明正,即是一直在Corporate Finance領域耕耘,更上層樓的代表。



As for the post-ibank career path question, one thing that I have come to realization is that, my experience at Stern has enpowered me to 1) take on jobs that I have not even thought of (such as my current career as an equity analyst) 2) to be not fear of change and take on new roles. I still fancy a marketing job. Who knows if I will work for Sushi and Shopgirl in 5 years? I would put down $100 to bet that more than half of us will be sitting in a different field.

Bottom line - I used to care about my career path; now I don't. I hope those of you who will graduate soon and those who will join our Stern community in the coming year will be empowered the same way.

I would also encourage you not to limit yourselves (at least academic wise) on certain disciplines - don't come in with a goal of "I just want to develop on marketing/finance". I felt that courses that I have taken outside of finance have helped me more than anything else. I also regret that I didn't take the chance to learn about new product strategies (especially Sushi has often rubbed it in by telling me how cool her marketing classes are). MBA is called MBA for a reason. Some are better off applying to M. Finance instead of MBA. Take advantage of the broad offerings of Stern.


請問各位在IB工作sternies,我可以問一下有關IB的controlling group,就是IB的back office嗎?可以請問這方面的工作比較需要什麼樣的才能?是做什麼為主?未來發展性又如何?有人做這方面嗎?可以介紹一下嗎(感覺這部門應該比較冷門)



在IB的controlling group,你可以把它類比為一般企業裡財務會計的部門,通常需具備一定程度的會計能力,如對企業總帳,應收/付帳款此些會計帳目的了解,我想細心(detailed-oriented)會是一個相當重要的人格特質。希望我的回答能有些幫助 : )
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