



前兩天才聽說一個同學想修Criminal Law被擋修,我們敬佩之餘,都懷疑他Law & Order或CSI: New York看太多了:P 



從網站上知道,STERN尚有IMP、GLOBAL SHORT TERM PROGRAMS、DOING BUSINESS INXXX,其中IMP的課程選修是依照當地的開課情況再選嗎?上課使用的語言也是依照當地的語言,還是一樣用英語上課呢?交換的申請是否有何特殊限制?



再過一個月我就要出發去你提到的Doing Business In xxx program,目前有點興奮到無法好好準備Finals的地步。基本上DBI是為期兩週、利用寒暑假到美國以外其他城市的study trip,地點包括阿根廷的布宜諾塞利斯、智利的聖地牙哥和丹麥的哥本哈根等。我室友今年夏天去了DBI in Argentina,回來之後向我強力推薦,所以這學期選課時,我就把DBI in Chile放在lottery的first priority。在Stern這是一個熱門的課程,想修有時還需要一些運氣。

DBI的好處是,它雖然是一門三學分讓你深度認識當地政治、經濟、文化與產業的課程,但是因為密集的在寒、暑假進行,所以學期中可以少修一門課,多出一些時間做自己想做的事。但既然名為study trip,你就不會兩個禮拜每天在爬山、旅遊或海灘日光浴中度過。當然校外教學的行程是眾所矚目的焦點,但是為了要pass這門課拿到三學分,上課、小組討論、交報告一樣也少不了。但是Stern學生,往往都會在出發前把該做的簡報、該寫的報告全部解決,以期在抵達目的地之後,可以充分利用課餘及週末好好享受當地的風土民情。如果時間經費允許,很多人也都會在program前後多待一段時間,把想看的、想玩的一次玩完。





Doing Business in XX,JLIU同學解釋的很清楚;關於IMP,我幫你請教了下學期要去西班牙ESADE商學院當交換學生的Stern大陸同學,她的回答如下: Yes, the course selection depends on the exchange school. For example, if I exchange to ESADE, then the courses available for me to choose are the courses that are offered at ESADE. Majority of the classes are offered in English, while some of them are in Spanish. So you have to look carefully in the specifications before you sign up a class. For exchange students, you usually won’t be able to work part time because of the visa issue. For job hunting resources, really depends on each school. I didn’t aim to do job hunting in ESADE so I didn’t do much research on that. But based on my experience working in Office of Career Development, exchange students do get similar benefits as other full time students, and treated equal. Hope it helps. Let me know if you have further questions. 



請問DOING BUSINESS IN XXX這個課程是含參觀共11天嗎?還是只有參觀的部分就11天?看了它網站的介紹,但是還是有點不太清楚,它是在出發前,選修的學生就必須先就當地的產業、市場環境做一番調查並提出報告,到當地後再就實際參觀的情況做修改交出嗎?感覺應該是對於日後有興趣自己做生意的人,提供如何做市場調查的實務經驗,對嗎?這個課程基本上依提出申請的學生抽籤決定嗎?整個花費約需多少呢?會與暑假的實習有衝突嗎?


Teresa - here are the extracts from the DBI syllabus. Hope it helps answer your question.

This 11- day “Doing Business in …” (DBI) course includes an eight-day intensive course exploring doing business in Chile in the context of Latin America and the world economy. Topics covered include Chilean marketing, free-trade pacts, financial markets, strategy, work environment, culture, history, and law. Key Chilean industries addressed are wine, copper mining, and salmon. In addition, students will visit local companies and the Chilean Stock Market.

Students will be required to complete pre-trip readings; complete a pre-trip project; attend the pre-departure class session in New York City; attend all lectures, presentations and site visits in Chile during the 8-day academic program; and complete a study group project while in Chile to be presented to the entire group on the final day of the course.

DBI Program Fee for Chile is $1,100, which Includes: Hotel room with breakfast for 11 nights, corporate visits with transportation, group trips with transportation (including Santiago city tour, the wine tour, the Andes hiking trip, and the Valparaiso/Viña del Mar excursion), 2 group lunches, 2 group dinners and Course materials distributed in Chile. Airfare and other personal expenses are covered by students.


(回答 電影系是否有對外系生擋修?)

Teresa - if you are interested in Stern's EMT (Entertainment, Media, and Technology) program, you will not be disappointed.

To give you an example, currently I am working with a graduate student Film Director from the NYU Tisch School of Arts to enter the competition (Promotion Pictures) to make a movie for Unilever's Axe deodorant brand. Bascially, students from Stern act as Producers and partner up with students from Tisch to develop a film concept, script, and budget that will support the marketing of the Axe brand. We pitch our idea to Unilever and a panel of judges, and the winning team will receive US$40,000 to make a short 3-7 minute promotional film for Unilever. The film will be similar to the BMW films made to promote their cars. So far it has been extremely interesting - we've had several brainstorming sessions with the Director from Tisch to come up with a story that is not only compelling but embodies the key aspirations of the Axe brand. It is also fun to work with art students as they are so different in their thinking and capabilities from Stern students. I really think it is a special opportunity unique to the Stern experience to be able to participate in a project and work with real directors to make a real promotional film for a company. So far, my team has already turned in our initial package for the first round of judging. I will keep you updated on the process if our team makes it into the next round.

Also, another friend of mine at Stern is taking an EMT class called Professional Management in Entertainment and Media. Every class, they have a distinguished guest speaker from the entertainment and media industry come to talk to them about management in their respective fields. For a class project, they work on developing new business concepts from existing media in the industry. For example, my friend's team has developed an idea for a video game based on popular movie themes. They even have a title, script, characters, description of game play, and storyboard developed for their video game. It seems like a very interesting class.

Further, to again emphasize the New York advantage, as a student interested in the EMT field, there is really no better place to be than New York. Other than getting speakers such as Donald Trump and Martha Stewart coming to speak at Stern, all the major television networks, many prominent newspapers, magazines, and advertising agencies are all based in New York. I recently volunteered at CNBC's Annual CEO Awards event held at the Mandarin Oriental hotel in New York. During the event, I was able to meet in person and hear from speakers such as Howard Schultz, CEO of Starbucks and the popular anchorwoman of CNBC, Maria Bartiromo. There are so many interesting opportunities such as these that come up at Stern, and it will be up to you to allocate your time between events to make the best of your two-years life at Stern.

P.S. To answer your real question , I am also trying to take a class next semester from Tisch. I will update you on whether it is possible.


順便提一下,如果你有興趣到其他學校交換,Stern 應該是很好的選擇。

交換學生這檔事,其實有一些TRICKY的地方。假設ABC校的MBA想交換到SPAIN的IESE,但如果IESE沒有學生想交換到ABC校,那一般是不能成行的, 這是一種MATCH的程序。 如果在比較不是那麼受歡迎的美國學校,其實能交換出去的機會相對較少,但NYU STERN 一直都是各國交換學生的熱門首選,以MATCH的觀念來說,能夠順利交換出去的名額與機會相對多很多。像今年就我所知,到現在還有去 RSM 和SPAIN一些學校的機會。更不用說是去亞洲或中南美洲交換了。

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